Getting Started

As you’re aware, our dear friend Tim Brown endured a severe spinal cord injury while on the job at Snowmass Mountain, CO. This blog will be your source for news and information pertaining to Tim’s recovery. This site will also serve as a forum where you can submit well wishes, thoughts and prayers to Tim and his family. We encourage you to share your feelings in the comments section, and all of your words will be shared with Tim.

Below you will find a series of updates that were sent out in the last few days by Tim’s closest friends. This initial post serves to fill you in on details of the accident, and also what has happened thus far in terms of treatment. In the days, weeks, and months to come, you will continue to find updates from Tim’s friends, his family, and ultimately, from the man himself.

It’s a long road ahead, and it’s good to have you all along for the ride. Thank you all for your love and support. -HL

Monday, Feb 14th 10 AM

Yesterday during Patrol Sweep at the end of ski day, Tim was out doing his job but missed a couple of checkpoints. Upon realizing that Tim wasn’t back in the patrol locker room, his fellow patrollers responded extremely quickly and were able to find him. We still don’t know what actually happened, but he was found in a tree well and had severe lacerations on his head. His fellow co-workers were able to get him down and to the hospital in Aspen very efficiently (We cannot express our gratitude enough for the Snowmass Ski Patrol for saving Tim’s life. They worked extremely efficiently while dealing with one of their own beloved Patrollers, which is never an easy task). He spent a few hours being stabilized at Aspen Valley Hospital, however, because of the dangers related to head and neck injuries, they decided to airlift him down to Denver where they have the BEST available resources in the world for spinal cord injuries, Craig Medical Center. Before he was airlifted he was fully awake and alert, albeit quite banged up. He acknowledged our presence and was able to speak briefly.

Tim’s brother, Willis, a couple of his friends and a couple of Tim’s friends were actually able to be down in Denver, at Swedish Hospital, when he arrived in Denver last night. Todd and Willis were able to see him and give him further support before he went into the Operating Room. He went into the OR around midnight and after about 3 hours the surgeon came out and told us that they were able to realign and support his spinal cord and they were able to address his skull fracture and laceration. We were able to see him briefly then, but he was still knocked out from the drugs.

We have just gotten back from seeing Tim and he is awake and alert. He is still banged up and has a breathing tube in as a precaution, so he wasn’t able to talk. He is able to respond and shows clear signs of being intact neurologically. Tim is still the same Tim we have all grown to know and love (the radiating smile and sparkling eyes that the ladies love). There is still a lot of uncertainty surrounding everything, but he is making steady progress. There will continue to be a lot of waiting and uncertainty throughout the next few days. We know the uncertainty is very difficult to deal with, but we will do our best to keep everyone updated. We have made sure that he knows everyone is wishing him the absolute best and that they could be here with him.

His parents are extremely grateful and appreciative of all the continued support and willingness to help out. We all know Tim is a fighter and is going to continue to fight throughout this whole ordeal. He is in the best hands he can be in and has support pouring in from everyone. Keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers. Tim will come out on top. He always does.

Thanks again to everyone for all the support. We will continue to do our best to convey it to Tim, but know it means a hell of a lot to all of us here in Denver and his family.

Monday, Feb 14th 8PM

Tim is surrounded by a whole host of folks who are helping him in person through this difficult time. The doctors took a look at his lungs and despite his currently being aided by a tube to help him breathe, they are confident that no permanent damage was done to his lungs and he will be able to breathe on his own. They are keeping the tube in right now since it is already in there as a precaution. Although he cannot really speak right now and is still heavily medicated, he has been able to answer questions from doctors and can recognize his family and friends who are here with him.

They are going to do another procedure tomorrow to touch up his scalp laceration, but that will mostly be cosmetic. His resiliency and optimism are shining through, as he has been able to smile when surrounded by his parents, brother, and friends.

Tuesday, Feb 15th 10AM

We just sat in on the doctor’s morning briefing and got a lot of positive and encouraging news.

The doctors are confident that he can breathe on his own and they will soon take out the ventilator tube. It will be nice to hear him talk and we know he wants to; he certainly keeps trying to talk. Part of the reason they are confident in his breathing abilities is the fact that he is starting to move his lower arms; the same area of the spine controls some of the breathing muscles (the diaphragm).

Sometime this morning they are planning on having a cosmetic surgeon come in and take care of the lacerations on his head. This will be another step in getting him completely stabilized.  Once he is completely stabilized, the plan is to move him across the street to Craig, a hospital that specializes in spinal cord and brain rehabilitation and physical therapy. Craig is truly one of the best hospitals in the world for this type of recovery.

One of the best signs was seeing Spencer getting him to laugh last night and he gave us a big smile when he saw his parents and us this morning. He is in good spirits and loves hearing that you guys are thinking of him.

Tuesday, Feb 15th 7PM

Just a quick update since I know it’s later on the East Coast. Timmy is on his way into the same surgery as mentioned before – the surgery kept getting pushed back due to the lack of plastic surgeons in Denver and high demand for them. He was pretty sedated all afternoon due to the impending surgery. He still has the breathing tube in, as it is necessary during surgery. As long as everything goes according to plan, they should be able to remove it tomorrow. We will let everyone know how it goes as soon as we hear/see him. May not be till late or tomorrow morning. Concerns are low regarding the surgery as it should all be superficial and he is already under anesthesia.

Tuesday, Feb 15th 10PM

Betsy received a call informing us that the surgery was successful and went off without a hitch. Tim is extremely sedated and drowsy from the procedure so we are giving him some time to rest. Will be in at 8 AM to see him in the morning.

Love to Tim and all his friends and family across the globe.

208 Responses to “Getting Started”

  1. David Miller Says:

    Hang tough there young Tim.
    Your Jaywalker team is pulling for you!
    See you on the ice soon…

  2. David Lampert Says:


    We are all thinking about you every minute. You’ve got the best family in the world and amazing friends. Everyone knows you’ll pull off an amazing recovery!

  3. Polly Knowles Says:


    Hope you are feeling the incredible outpouring of love and support from this little town by the sea. Everybody here has you in their healing prayers …We love you -we believe in you – and we will all be supporting your recovery every step of the way. Whatever you need!!!

    WITH ALL OUR LOVE. Polly, Joe, TIm, Jess and Cam

  4. cheryl wood Says:

    Not an hour goes by that i don’t say your name…i’m praying like a “nun” for your recovery, family, and us friends to find the strength to help you through this challenging time… Go Tim! xo

  5. Betsy Winder Says:


    Good luck with your recovery. It sounds like you have a wonderful support group in both your family and friends.

    Sending good wishes and strength your way.

    Betsy, Stirling and Alden Winder

  6. Liza Richardson Says:

    Timmo you’re a fighter. Keep pushing big guy. The Richardson clan is praying for you and we can’t wait to be sitting around the table with you and the fam listening to your dad blow the conch shell. Stand Strong. We Love You!

  7. Myranda O'Bara Says:

    Tim, You are continually in our thoughts and in our hearts. We are sending you all of our love and wishes for continued positive news. We are thankful you are young and strong……not to mention handsome…….each of which will help you recover, along with every single person who is rooting for you, sending all their love.
    XXXX lots of love, Myranda, Jay, Seamus & Ethan
    PS – just the fact you have Cheryl “praying like a nun” for you guarantees that you’ve got God’s attention!!!

  8. Eliza Greenman Says:

    TIM! Stay strong and fight hard! Just sent a pretty silly poster down with Garrett, hope it cheers you up! Can’t wait to see you back up here. We are thinking about you and praying for you!

    Emma, Andrew and Liza

  9. Brian Hines Says:


    If anyone can beat this, it’s you! We have all been shaken to the core with the news of your accident, but know how much we love you and are praying for a full recovery. All the best Tim!

    Brian, Kathy, Tommy, Dan, and Pete

  10. Jason Crasnick Says:

    Tim – The Boston Middlesex guys are thinking of you…keep on trucking bud.


  11. GR Fielding Says:

    We’re all rooting for you here in Snowmass Tim! Be strong.

  12. Helen & Ted Eaton Says:

    We are praying for a speedy recovery & for wisdom for the wonderful doctors & nurses around you!!

  13. steve rausch Says:

    Sending you all our love and prayers Tim.

  14. Ashley Cobb Says:

    Hang in there man! Natties Unite!

  15. mike moonves and baba Says:

    tim and mike and betsy and will-baba and mooner send our most everything to all of you-tim you are a special guy who will be back soon-there is much love out there for you-love, b/m

  16. dorebell Says:

    Thanks to Henrik for keeping us all the the loop. All the Dores send our love and best wishes to Tim.

  17. Betsy Brown Says:

    The Brown family can not thank you enough for all of your prayers, love and well wishes. We feel it out here in Colorado——- faster than express mail!!!!

    We will keep you updated as often as we can. Thanks to Henrik Lampert and Josh Kahane for setting up this blog! You guys and ALL of you are so, so wonderful.
    Much love,

    Tim, Will, Mike and Betsy

    • Jan Floyd Says:

      Tim, Will, Betsy and Mike,

      All of us are with you in spirit and praying for Tim to make a quick recovery! We love you and are pulling for you all the way.

      with love, The Floyds

  18. Erik Wardell Says:


    Stoked on all the good news coming out of Denver! We are looking forward to a quick recovery and having you back home in Aspen soon. Lots of positivity and love being sent your way.

  19. Jay Sweet Says:

    Brown Family-
    First you are in the thoughts of the entire Sweet clan. Secondly, one of my oldest and dearest friend, in the entire world Noah Wight, my UC Boulder roommate suffered an EXTREMELY severe spinal injury while patrolling at Crested Butte 6 years back. He too was airlifted to Denver where he under went years of therapy and care in these exact same hospitals. He is an EXCELLENT resource for everything Tim is facing, he knows every doctor, therapy, family councilor etc etc . I realize the tremendous amount of info being thrown at you right now from every angle, but I have already reached out to him and he can make himself available anytime, just let me know

  20. salliefelton Says:

    To all the Browns: Conway and I were shocked to read this news! My heart goes out to each of you. We are both pulling for Tim and a speedy recovery; Willis having you and your parents beside him will bring him through this…you are all a strong group. If there is anything we Feltons can do…call, anytime of the day or night.

  21. Geoff Butcher Says:

    Thanks Guys for the info. Please keep all the updates coming.
    We all have him in our thoughts and prayers

  22. Jane Stark Says:

    Betsy and Mike-
    While not yet having had the pleasure of meeting your wonderful Tim, I know he is just an amazing person knowing you two and now having read the posts from his friends. Amazing people do amazing things…..positive thoughts flowing your way.
    Namaste my friend,

  23. Thacher Stone Says:


    So excited to hear the positive updates. You have an amazing family and support team behind you on this road to recovery. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the entire Brown family. Stay Strong. You are the man. Keep truckin’, Tim!


  24. Matt Jones Says:

    I don’t know Tim but heard of his accident. Best wishes for a speedy recovery from the Vail Valley.

  25. Bethany Peck Says:


    Thinking of you! Continue to stay strong! Sending lots of love.


  26. Neale Attenborough Says:

    The Attenborough’s send all of our East Manchester love you to you Tim. We all are praying for a fast recovery, but we also know the Brown stregnth of will and spirit is your greatest asset.

    All our very best to you. As I told your dad, I’ll blow the conch shell awaiting your swift return.

    With great love,

    Neale, Louisa, Carolyn, Isabelle and Kelley

  27. Marysue Says:

    You are all in our thoughts! We will be reading this blog faithfully waiting for all the positive news flowing out of Denver. We love you all.

    Love, Marysue, Bill, Brianne, Kendra and Clare Emhiser

  28. James Burch Says:

    Hey Tim,

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Much love to you and your family.

  29. Lisa Parsons Says:

    Betsy, Mike, Tim and Will…We are holding you in our thoughts and in our hearts…I have had my yoga classes hold Tim in their intentions…so you should be feeling an awful lot of healing white light winging your way…It is clear you have love and support all around you to speed your healing…oxo

  30. CarlySewell Says:

    Keep up your positive and speedy recovery- you’re doing so well! Thinking of you so much and sending all of the positive energy and love in the world your way! See your shining face soon!


  31. Ben Lucas Says:

    Hey bud, just wanted to let you know that we are all praying and sending good vibes from MA to CO and youre in our thoughts always…
    Much love
    Ben Kate Greg and Karen

  32. Maida Says:

    Dearest Mike and Betsy, and Will and most especially Tim,

    You are all so brave and filled with hope and if anyone can pull through this it is the Brown Family! I am so glad you are all together and offer love and prayers….and have asked the Brothers at the Monastery in Cambridge and Cathy George to say some real prayers for you to get well…..a little every day! The have more direct lines than I do!

    You are a great team and in fabulous hands there at Swedish…the best of its kind! Try and find moments of peace and rest……and be well as you help Tim heal. With Love, Maida

  33. Larry Fogarty Says:

    To the whole Brown family and especially Tim, I am wishing you nothing but a complete and fast recovery. You will be in my thoughts.

  34. Rick Graham Says:

    Tim, Mike, Betsy and Willie
    Your courage and strength inspires all of us. Keep up the fight because you’re winning!

    Are thoughts and prayers are with you guys everyday

    Rick, Trish and the Graham Family

  35. Lauren Beck Says:

    You’re in my thoughts and prayers constantly, I am sending all the positive vibes I can your way.. I know you’re strong enough to face this and come out on top. You have a whole class of 5th graders rooting for you back here in the valley:)
    Love & strength,

  36. Buck Richardson Says:

    Another set of Richardson’s are pulling for you. Stand Strong. I know that Brown spirit will get you through this.
    Our Best

  37. Steve Sewell Says:

    The entire staff here at Snowmass has you in our thoughts and prayers. Heal fast! We want you back on the hill with us soon.
    Be Strong!

  38. The Landers Family Says:


    Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Lots of friends back east are pulling for you. We know you can pull through this. Hugs to Willis, Betsy and Bald Mikey.


  39. Lindsy Fortier Says:

    Hi Tim!

    Best wishes, thoughts, and love from all of us here at ACES. Many prayers go out to you and your family. Lots of little woodland creatures, big and small, out there on the preserve are thinking of you! Keep your spirits high and let us know when you are ready for some visitors! We love you!

  40. Laura Patten Says:

    Hi Tim!

    Brett and I send you strength and positive thoughts and energy from Snowmass. Missing you. Can’t wait to see that glimmer in your eyes and your beautiful smile soon.

    -Laura and Brett

  41. Chris Bane Says:

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you for a fast and strong recovery!

  42. Martha Altreuter Says:

    Dear Betsy, Mike, Tim and Will,
    We are so sorry to hear about Tim’s terrible ski accident. Please know that we send you every ounce of positive, healing energy that we possibly can. You all are in our thoughts every moment, and we hope, trust and believe Tim will make a complete recovery.
    Love and big hugs,
    Martha and Sam

  43. Jon Bodansky Says:

    Timmy – we’re all thinking of you and wishing you nothing but the best. Nobody has the heart, determination, and energy to make it through this more so than you.

  44. syd freeman Says:

    TIM, the whole patrol is thinking about you every second. Our prayers are with you and your family. Have a full and quick recovery, we love you, Syd and Damien.

  45. Kurt Svetaka Says:

    Tim, Will, Betsy, and Mike

    We just heard the news and wanted to let you know all our optimistic thoughts are focusing in your direction. The strong and positive family you are will most definitely help in Tim’s healing process. We wish for a fast recovery and will be reading blog to keep up to date.

    Tim….keep strong!

    Donna & Kurt

  46. rick moseley Says:

    Tim and family, the Moseley clan thoughts are with you, let us know if there is anything we can do. Mose

  47. Abby (Richardson) Considine Says:

    Mike, Betsy, Will & especially Tim –

    More of the Richardson clan is sending you strength and encouragement!! Please know we are all thinking of you and are praying for a fast recovery.

    – Abby & Peter

  48. Bob Babcock Says:

    Tim, I’m looking forward to the day we finally get to meet. Your dad has told me a lot about you. From his words I know you’re a fighter and with the support of your amazing family and great friends you’ll come through this just fine. Your Dad helped me get through one of the most difficult times of my life and I can tell you from my own experience that it’s the tough times that define us. There will be a day when you look back at this experience as something positive. It will provide contrast to make everything seem brighter, sweeter, more joyous.
    Fight hard… have a lot of people pulling for you.
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery,
    Bob abd Sue Babcock

  49. Nick Carter Says:


    Hang in there man! I know you can get through this! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    Hope to see you on the 6:45 Snowmass bus soon!


  50. Ame Remick / Eaton Says:

    Narly accident Tim. Though, it sounds like if you really tried, you could have broken a couple more bones.

    Naturally, you’ll probably come out of this even better than before it … but, that being said – here’s to recovering faster rather than slower.

    And sounds like you have a killer support squad to be at your beck and call, too. Take advantage. 😉

    Ame (Middlesex)

  51. Ben Crane Says:


    Have been thinking about and praying for you non-stop for the last couple of days. As many others have mentioned, I can’t think of a person with a bigger heart, or more grit and determination than you. Reminiscing of the day in Ogunquit when you were catching every wave with ease as the rest of us couldn’t even get out past the break, gives me such confidence that you will fight through this.


  52. David Kahane Says:

    To Tim and the Brown family:
    I was visiting my nephew Josh Kahane last year when I spent limited time with Tim. But even for those two quick runs in Aspen after it had snowed 8+ inches it became crystal clear that Tim’s love for the skiing, the outdoors, along with his charismatic personality and strong love of life is what will move him forward through this large “mogul” he has encountered. We are skiing the double diamonds for Tim because we know this will be a tough time for him and his brethren within the ski, MA, CO, and the many communities Tim is part of.
    David Kahane (Josh Kahane’s Uncle)

  53. Hope Schroy Says:

    The Schroy Family is sending you all, Timmy, Betsy, Mike, WIllis and all your great friends all our good and positive thoughts and prayers.

  54. Tyler Pinstein Says:

    Tim and Family,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Thinking of you often.

  55. Adam Cachey Says:

    Shame guy, get yourself back we can hot lap the bowl and ride sketchy lines in Silverton again….Your get your sexy self back in action so we can ride again, but for now ill keep riding for you….

  56. Ryan Koster Says:


    Sending you good vibes from the Roaring Fork Valley, tons of people thinking about you!

    Heal up buddy, can’t wait to see you back in the mountains!!

    Ryan & Suanne

  57. Bill Babcock Says:

    Haven’t had a chance to meet you yet, but I know your Dad, and so I know you’ll do all the tough things it takes to recover.

    Mike–take some time to breathe and take care of yourself. Your family needs that strength and humor you display so well. See you next summer at the cape. All the best to you and your family.

  58. Viki Woodworth Says:

    Dear Tim, Betsy, Mike and Will,

    We are all thinking of you and sending all positive energy your way. Lots of love and prayers from the Woodworths.

  59. Ben Merva Says:


    I was extremely shocked to hear about your accident. Just know that the entire ski company and town of Aspen are pulling for you and that we all know you’ll make a full recovery. Get better bud and I’ll see you at the brewery for a beer and MyLife meeting in no time.

    Take Care,


  60. Dustin Temple Says:


    I’m trying so hard to send you good thoughts that I may have pulled a muscle. So glad to hear you’re doing better. Keep your eyes on the prize my man. You got this!!!

    To the Browns – he could not be in better company. My thoughts are with you guys.


  61. Chrissie Bodznick Says:

    I am sending all the love in New England your way. Power on through, so we can have another accidental phone conversation soon.

  62. James Ravenel Says:

    Thinking of you buddy!
    Getting a care package full of surf and ski videos off today.
    Sending you much love,

  63. Auden Schendler Says:

    Hey, Tim, speaking as a Skico employee who doesn’t know you, I can say that there are about 3,400 people here, including every person I’ve seen in the last few days in our main office, who are extremely concerned about you and pulling for your recovery!

  64. THe Harris Family Says:

    Dear Tim,
    All the Harris Clan are thinking of you with most positive thoughts and sending our prayers your way. Knowing your family and you we are confidant your will power and determination will help you conquer this challenge. Good luck Tim and we will be celebrating your every improvement. xooxKathy and John Harris

    PS Henrik, Thanks.

  65. The Owen Family Says:

    The Owen Family sends their thoughts, prayers and love to you all…..Be strong…you are an amazing family…let us know if we can do anything at home…

  66. Will Kinder Says:

    Tim: Needless to say, we’re thinking of you every moment of the day. As Badooner said, there’s no one with more heart and determination for the challenge than you. Can’t wait to spend happy times with you again soon.


  67. Kent Kreutzer Says:

    Sending you a ton of positive energy from Encinitas. Stay strong dude and we are all pulling for you and a speedy recovery.
    Take Care,

  68. carol frey Says:

    Mike & family
    Just to let u know u r in the thoughts & prayers of friends & friends u haven’t met yet. God bless your family & circle of friends. Looking forward to summer & CCBC.
    Carol & Joe Frey. (bob babcocks sister)

  69. Sean Murphy Says:


    My thoughts are with you as you go through this period of recovery. I have no doubt you will get through this as fast as anyone can. Stay strong, all the hard work ahead of you will pay off!!!

    Sean Murphy

  70. Ellen London Says:


    Thinking of you and sending love and positive energy from the East Coast. Please don’t hesitate to call on my other half there in Denver if you need anything at all. You’ve got all of Camp Colby behind you, every step of the way, for a speedy recovery!


  71. Katie Clifford Says:


    I am sending you as much love and positive energy as I can so you can recover quickly. Know you have a lot of people who care about you and want to support you. Just let us know how we can best support you. Heal up fast so we can have a much overdue catch up.

  72. The Oakford Family Says:

    Dearest Tim,
    The entire Oakford family is pulling for your speedy recovery. We send you all our strength, love and blessings to help you through. Knowing your mom and dad as well as we do, we have no doubt that you have the strength and determination to pull through this ordeal and we will all be right there by your side pulling for you the whole way! Hang in Tim! You can do it!!!!!! Lots of love to you and your family from all the Oakfords!! Aunt Eileen,Scott,Wesley,Scottie,Stuart and Ellie

  73. John Craske Says:

    You’re in all our thoughts up here in Aspen, Tim. Heal up, we’re pulling for you! -Craske

  74. Zach Richardson Says:

    Hey Tim, Will, Mike, and Betsy,

    Best wishes in your full recovery buddy. All my thoughts are with all of you. Yet another Richardson family member is pullin for ya. Keep fightin..we know you will.

    All the best,

  75. sheridan,tim,Jamie and Sheridan Maguire Says:

    Lots of love and prayers being sent to all of you in Co…..we are thinking of you so often and admire your positive attitude and strength. We are cheering you on Tim from Nahant.

  76. Jenny and Jeff Kinder Says:

    We have heard so much about you from our son, Will. We have you and your family in our thoughts and prayers; may your recovery be strong and swift.
    Sending healing vibes out to you from Wilbraham, Massachusetts.
    Jenny and Jeff Kinder
    (Will Kinder’s parents)

  77. Meg Hall Says:

    All the Halls are thinking of you and hope that each day gets a little brighter ! xo

  78. Seamus Somers Says:


    You are a warrior among men. If born earlier you would have been a Spartan king, if born in the south you would have been a gentleman alligator wrestler, if born an animal you would have been Secretariat. Love will lift you up and your strength of spirit will insure you are triumphant in your recovery.

    all my love to all the Browns


  79. Lindsay Horner Says:


    You came into my heart 7 years ago when I met Ryan and have always stayed there. I am thinking about you every moment. I am praying and cheering you on, knowing you will heal quickly and we will see you soon. I know you have incredible strength and lots of love around you.

    Sending you even more, always. (more from us soon)


  80. Hannah Beane Says:


    I am sending you lots of hugs and high energy. We are long over due, catching up. I can’t wait for the day where we can do push-ups again under the Colorado sun. We’re all pulling for you. Love, Hannah

  81. Nate Donaldson Says:

    Hey Tim,

    I am sending up all the thoughts and prayers and good vibes that I can. I’ll make sure Tomberg doesn’t try to take over the world while you’re recovering… just long enough for you to get back and wrestle him into submission. Keep it real, man. Stay strong — so, be yourself. In the words of Champ Kind (from Anchorman): “I miss yer laugh…. yer musk!”

    -Nate Dog

  82. Amelia Burns Says:

    Hi Tim,

    I think YOU RULE! I’m thinking about you and sending my love and energy your way! Stay strong – everyone at Lizard Lodge sends their best.

    I’m glad you have an awesome brother, family and friends to be with during this time.

    I can’t wait to see you soon. 🙂
    Love, Wheels

  83. The McKennas Says:

    Tim, I dedicated my yoga practice to you today. All the MckKennas are pulling for your recovery and look forward to seeing your bright face soon!
    With love and all positive thought to you, your parents, and Will.
    Debby, Tim, Toby, Jesse, and Buck

  84. Grace Brown Says:

    Willis – since day one you have been like another brother to me so, Tim that makes you part of the family.
    Sending you many beautiful thoughts.
    With a lot of love and hope,
    Grace and the rest of the Brown family

  85. Frank Howard Says:

    Tim and family,
    I’m another ski co employee that hasn’t had the pleasure of meeting any of you yet, but that is hardly the point. The point is when any of us go down, we all feel it. I just heard about your accident today and had to send you all some more good vibes. Tim, get well. Can’t have enough good people on the slopes and from what everyone says about you, we need you back. I’ll be ripping it for you until you are back in action. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

  86. casey garr Says:

    Tim and family
    All the love and support in the world from all the many overlaps we have in the aspen community….ski school, the kids that went to aces, sage and especially the barstaff we have helped support at little annies…
    keep on smiling

  87. Chrissy Hoffman Says:

    Timmy Tough – your love of life is unmatched. Do what you do best, giving it your all. Can’t wait to see you.


  88. Caity Roesler Says:

    You are in my thoughts and prayers! Sending them from VT!
    Miss you buddy!

  89. Ben Shepard Says:

    Thinking of you Tim, positive vibes are flowing your way from NYC. I’m wishing you a quick and full recovery.

    -Ben Shepard

  90. Annie Barton Says:

    Hey Tim — All your friends from the Curtis Cup are wishing you the very best. We know you’ll get through this!

  91. Ro French Says:

    Betsy, Mike, Will and especially TIM – the French family has you all in our thoughts and prayers. Be strong and know we are all pulling for you.
    Ro, Hollis, Emily, Louisa and Katharine

  92. Betsy Smyth Says:


    My thoughts and prayers are with you and I wish you all the best for a full and speedy recovery!


  93. Brian Dalla Betta Says:

    Tim, all of our days are filled with positive thoughts for you…you’re making great steps in your recovery! we miss you and think of you often

    Brian and the entire Snowmass Patrol

  94. Ashley Scott Says:

    Wishing all the Browns positive news, everyday. Be well, hold tight to each other and God bless.
    -ashley, bob, liza and lilly

  95. Nancy Deutsch (Hood) Says:

    Dear Betsy, Mike, Tim and Wills,
    It’s been so long since we’ve seen you. Please know that I am thinking of you and praying for all the best. Stay strong and positive. xo

    Nancy Deutsch (Hood)

  96. Peter Collins Says:


    I am thinking of you here in Connecticut. I hope you have a very strong recovery and I have full faith in you doing so. To the rest of your family, my thoughts go out to you as well. Myself and the rest of my family send our support and look forward to hearing of your speedy recovery!

    Best wishes, Peter

  97. The Stabler Family Says:


    You have been in our thoughts and prayers since we heard the news. We are wishing you determination, strength and positive energy as you move forward to a strong recovery. We are confident that you have the best team in place to help… your family, doctors and friends.

    All the best,
    Anne, Ed, Merrill and Ali

  98. John Harris Says:

    Dear Tim – I’m sorry to hear about your accident. I can relate as a serious skier but more importantly as someone who has recovered from a life threatening injury. For what it’s worth to you here’s my story. When eleven years old, I discovered my older brother’s cache of fireworks and started to fool around building bombs. It didn’t take long before I really screwed up. Roughly the equivalent of a stick of dynamite exploded very close to me. I remember being thrown through the air, landing on the ground with my left hand blown apart, blood literally spurting with every heart beat. The agony was incredible and I started to go into shock. Although it turned into a blur, it was then that i know my fight to live started. I was on the edge, and one night a vision came to me. I saw a very bright white light and then the most beautiful angels came to ask me if I was ready to follow them ( I can still remember it clear as a bell and it looked lovely on the other side). I respectfully declined their invitation and realized that I had been given a chance. It was now time to be a fighter, to harness my courage, determination, and will power in order to over come my injuries and live a life. The point is that I know each of has deep down inside the God given ability to summon the strength to live and thrive no matter what comes our way. So, Tim be a fighter! Get better! John Harris

  99. lynda surdam Says:

    Dear Browns,

    So much love and white healing light is being sent to you from all of the Surdams, along with many prayers. Hope you can feel the energy we are sending from Sea Street, for all that it takes to get Tim better. We send you the biggest group hug and a mantra of yabba dabba do heal, rest and improve with each day. We are here for you in any way that can be of help.
    Love, love, love,
    Lynda and Peter

  100. J.P. Gartland Says:

    Hey Tim-
    Hope you have a speedy recovery because I still owe you a beer at the Belly Up. Stay strong, buddy.

  101. Lora Golann Says:

    Tim – thinking of you constantly. Best wishes from DC for a full and speedy recovery! Hugs to you and your family.


  102. Austin Nelson Says:

    TIM, know you are going to have a successful and speedy recovery. I along with the entire Surefoot crew can’t wait to have Aspen’s most charismatic dude back! Next beer is on me.

  103. Matt Lynes Says:

    Be well my friend. Hope to see you sometime soon.
    Best wishes,
    Matt Lynes

  104. Courtney Chilcote Says:


    Thinking of you everyday. You have so many people who love and care about you tremendously and are looking forward to seeing you well again.


  105. jim kravitz Says:


    I am sending you all of the good energy I can from myself, the folks at ACES and the Roaring Fork Valley community that you have become such a vital part of. I look forward to a day soon that we can talk and shoot the breeze. All of the best to you and your family.

    Jim Kravitz

  106. Thomas Says:


    Thinking about you and pulling for you all the time.
    Everyone here in Mule country keeps you in their thoughts and prayers.
    Much love to you and the rest of the Browns,


  107. Kathryn Mansfield Says:

    Dear Betsy, Mike, Tim and Will:

    Love, healing and oms are flowing your way east to west. The entire Ananda sangha is holding you in our hearts. Timothy and I are as well. Go Tim!

    All love,


  108. Anna Walker Says:

    Thinking of you every moment. Sending my love & strength. Stay strong and we all will help you come out on top. You are a true fighter!!! Love from a far!!


  109. Reto Says:

    here is Swiss-Arpa Reto mailing you!
    I send you the best wishes and take care about you.I will speak with Brian soon .
    Un abrazo fuerte de un amigo en Chile

  110. The Eddy Family Says:

    A big East Manchester conch shell shoutout from Da Hood to Tim, Betsy, Mike & Willis. Sending you all the love and good vibes that we can and wishing for a speedy recovery. Much Love, Tom, Jennifer, Gibbs, Dale & Eliza

  111. Stephen Kahane (Josh's dad) & family Says:

    We have been in touch with Josh every 4-5 hours and are praying for your continued recovery. Your strength and attitude are an inspiration to all, Tim. We will stay in close touch and are always available to help. We will stay in close touch. With all our love and best wishes, The Kahane Family

  112. The Journey Family Says:

    Tim – we are thinking of you constantly. Wishing you a speedy recovery and sending love prayers to you and all the Browns.

    All our best,
    Bruce, Cindy, Meghan, Vincent, Kelley and Paige

  113. Greg Lucas Says:

    Tim, We know each other but not intimately. I do know your mom and dad and more importantly know the endless spirit they possess. It is rare and you from my observation have been blessed with that same spirit. My faith lends me to believe we are only put in situations we can handle. I know you will come out the otherside of this even stronger. The Lucas family is pulling, praying and constantly thinking of you.
    Greg, Karen, Ben and Kate

  114. Abby Levendusky Says:

    Thinking of you and hoping for a full & speedy recovery!

  115. Dear Says:

    Tim, I know how strong you are. I am praying for you!

  116. Mike Shaughnessy Says:


    My thoughts and prayers are with you, and i wish you the fastest recovery.
    All my love goes out to you and your family, get well soon


  117. Patricia Graham Says:

    Mike, Betsy,Tim and Willie,

    I am sitting her in tears reading these blogs and see the amazing amount of love and support to The Brown Family. What is remarkable is his wonderful friends, please continue to encourage and hang in there with Tim throughout this journey. You will all learn so much and it will make us all better people. I did spend a lot of time at Spaulding Rehab in Boston with our good friend who sustained a brain injury and my only bit of knowledge throughout that difficult process and many bad days there were was NEVER GIVE UP HOPE! It is amazing even slow as it may be the resilience of the human body and how well so many of the people we saw did.

    Keep every bit of the blogs, prayers, hope in your heart going to Tim.
    Hang in there every minute Betsy and Mike and fight for your special boy.

    Love Patricia Graham

  118. Martha Smeallie Says:

    Tim – You are in the thoughts and prayers of all the Smeallies. Keep up the great recovery work, and we will stay tuned to your progress!
    Lots of love to Betsy, Mike and Will as well.

  119. Donna Martin Says:

    To Betsy and her family please know that all of us at Purnell are thinking of you and Tim. We send love and well wishes to Tim for a speedy recovery.

  120. Christy Sheehan Says:

    Tim, Mike, Betsy, and Will,
    All the Sheehans send their love and support. We’re sending positive energy and thoughts your way. We know your famililys love and support will get you thru this.
    All our best,
    Tim and Christy Sheehan
    Kelly, Colleen, Mike and Pat

  121. Jenna Harris Says:

    Thinking of you Tim. Wishing you a speedy recovery.


  122. Francie and Rich Hill Says:

    Betsy and Bruiser

    Can’t think of any two better supportive parents.

    We send you all our best.

    Francie and Rich

  123. March Thompson Says:


    I don’t know you, but I’m pulling for you! Besha has been updating me frequently, and I know the whole valley is channeling healing thoughts your way. Stay strong! You have tons of amazing and loving friends by your side.


  124. Becca Kahane (Josh's Sister) Says:

    Tim, there are so many people who love and support you. Stay positive and strong!

    With love,

  125. Betsy Casteen Says:

    Alex, Lily and John and I wish you get well soon. Lots of love

  126. Mouse Says:

    Thinking of you always and sending you love, hope and support.
    Stay Strong!
    Love ya,
    Mouse and Caleb

  127. Nathan Ratledge Says:

    Hey Tim,
    Stay positive. We’re all thinking of you and sending good energy!
    Get well soon!

  128. Alli Bane Says:

    Tim & Family –

    Thinking and praying for all of you. All my best for a speedy recovery.


  129. Kristen Pinkham Says:


    I’ve been thinking of you constantly and trying to send good energy your way. Wishing with all my heart for a speedy recovery. Keep fighting! Love, KP

  130. JayMac Says:

    Hi Tim,
    We’ve never met but I know your dad Mike from the CCBC SUP events. Just want you to know that the wolfpack [a bunch of narly surf dudes back in beantown] has you and your family in our spirits and we wish you a full and speedy recovery. Stay stong brotha.


  131. Matt Dwyer Says:

    Tim- Channel all that inimitable Brown spirit….a cure for almost anything. The winds on “The Wall”, “The Bowl”, and Ajax are calling you!
    Betsy, Mike and Will- What a huge and growing outpouring of support and encouragement.
    Hang tough!

  132. Craig Slater Says:


    The entire Slater family has you in our thoughts every minute. We know that you will persevere and the fun will return.

    Craig, Colleen, Kellie and Meagan

  133. Kate Harris Says:

    To one of my first friends and play group buddy,

    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you a speedy recovery! Hang in there!


  134. Becca Stein Says:

    Tim – Praying for you and the fam and thinking of you non-stop – with 100% confidence that you will make a speedy and full recovery. Lots and lots of love! Becca

  135. Martha Rawlins Says:

    Tim, Will, Betsy & Mike,
    We’re sending you positive vibes of energy & strength all day long.
    Martha, Jeff, Campbell, John & Nathan Rawlins

  136. Janet Dodge Says:

    You are an inspiration to all of us. You are in our constant thoughts.
    Janet and Fred Dodge

  137. Nancy Ireland Stahl Says:

    Dear Betsy,
    My thoughts and prayers are with your family and Tim. He sounds like a
    young man with great will and a sense of humor! We send strength and
    courage from the east coast and much love, Nancy

  138. Nancy Teague Says:

    Betsy & Mike,
    We are so sorry to hear of Tim’s accident. But are happy that things seem to be going pretty well considering all he has been through. He sounds like an amazing young man!! Our thoughts and prayers are with Tim, Will and both of you. If there is anything we can do for you please let us know.
    Take care, Love Nancy & Sean

  139. Jack Ryan Says:

    Tim, Mike, Betsy and Will,

    The thoughts and prayers of all the Ryans are with you. We know with your boundless Brown energy and spirit that you can overcome any adversity. We wishh you a speedy recovery. Jack, Kate, Meara, JP and Emmett

  140. Laura Morgan Says:

    To the whole Brown family and especially Tim,

    My thoughts and prayers are with you all everyday. Best wishes for a speedy and fast recovery! Love, Laura

  141. Conie Emmons Brown Says:

    Dear Betsy,

    I want to send you and your entire family love and hugs from the east coast. Please be assured that Tim will be on top of my prayer list tonight and for many nights to come. Have strength and courage. With love,

  142. Diane Nolte Says:

    Hi Tim,
    I’m your mom’s cousin Diane from NJ. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. As you rest and heal, know that you are thought of warmly and wished a quick recovery. May each day bring you renewed strength and brighter times.
    Diane, Charlie and Amanda Reichold

  143. Rob Oh Says:

    Stay strong and keep fighting as you always have. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    Much love, positive vibeage, and support,

  144. Anne Gonzales Says:

    Hey Tim- You’re in my thoughts–I’m sending good energy your way. Be well-heal fast. Lots of Love–Anne

  145. Marion Leslie Says:

    Dear Tim,

    I’m thinking about you, and sending you positive thoughts and energy.
    My very best wishes to you and your family as you begin to recover. You can, and will, do it!!!!
    -Marion Leslie (Vieve’s sister)

  146. Barbara Parker Says:

    Dear Betsy, MIke, Will, and brave Tim, the flow of positive energy can be felt all over from all the families and friends who love you. Let everyone take care of you so that you can save all your strength for supporting eachother and getting better every day. I have emailed potential housesitters to be on alert. Please let me know if I can help you with this. Ollie sends his warmth and well wishes. xoxs Barb Parker

  147. Ali and Chuck Says:

    Dear Mike, Betsy, Timmy, and Willie,
    We are thinking of you all and sending you all of our love! Timmy, you are such a strong and amazing man and we know that you will feel better soon. We love you all and please let us know if there is anything at all we can do to help.

    Chuck and Ali

  148. Keith & Ellen Shaughnessy Says:

    Tim, Mike, Betsy & Will,

    We are thinking of you constantly and praying for your recovery. With your strength and all the love and prayers we know you can do it. Please know that we are all here for you if we can help in any way.

    Love, Keith, Ellen, Megan, Mikey and Kari

  149. The other Manchester Browns Says:

    Tim, You are in our constant prayers. You are such a fierce competitor, we are sure you will pass this test with grace and courage. Sending all our love, Mike, Cathy, Chris, Matt and Annie

  150. Karli Gasteazoro Says:

    Dear Tim,

    Like so many, I’ve been thinking of you constantly for the past few days. You are so loved by many! I hope this love and energy helps you and your family stay strong and feel supported as you continue recovering. You truly are an inspiration, Tim!

    Sending you positive thoughts and love from DC,

  151. John and Leslie Gurley Says:

    Our thoughts are with you and your amazing family during this most challenging time. We pray for your strength and healing beyond measure. Mike and Betsy, please know we are ready to help as needed back here on Tucks Point.
    John and Leslie Gurley

  152. betty richardson Says:

    Tim,liza emailed me from barcelona so upset that you had an accident. you have been in my prayers ever since. You will win with that wonderful family and wonderful friends that support you all the way. stay strong
    .betty richardson

  153. Lilli Higgins Says:

    Thinking of you always, and sending lots of love from New York.

    Here’s to your boundless energy, speedy recovery, and catching up real soon.

  154. Donna Martin Says:

    Betsy, All of us at Purnell are thinking of you and your family and most especially Tim. We send our love, support and well wishes to Tim for a speedy recovery.


  155. Janet McCue Says:

    To the entire Brown family,

    Sending you all love, compassion, and thoughts of gentle healing.

    Janet and David McCue

  156. The Lanigan Family Says:

    Hi Tim
    When we think of you all we see is your positive energy and happy smile. We have no doubt that your strength will see you through. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers constantly. We send you all of our love.

    -Jay, Suzy, Michael, Tricia, and Kathleen

  157. William W. Gardner Says:

    Tim, I am so sorry to hear about the accident. Both Diana and myself have you in our prayers. I know that you will do as you always do and amaze everyone. If there is anything we can do for you and your family, please let us know. Bill Gardner

  158. Nancy and Jack Shea Says:

    To Tim and family,
    We are thinking of you constantly and following your recovery through this amazing blog and calls from Mike.
    Tim, stay strong and continue on your road to recovery. Know that so many of us are keeping you in our thoughts and sending well wishes all day, every day. From Mike’s past and worrying about him in tough times, I can assure you all that the friends and families out there offer the truest, deepest form of friendship and support I have ever experienced. Lean on them, they are strong and will serve you well throughout this bump in the road, and forever. We will continue to follow your progress and offer any help you may need.
    With love and well wishes, Jack and Nancy Shea

  159. William W. Gardner Says:

    Tim, reading through all these post, I could not help but write one more time. The amount of people that have posted comments is a true reflection of the type of person that you are!You have truely made a positive impact on the type of people that we should all strive to be and I have no doubt that this will aid you through your recovery. Rest up and we are all there for you.

  160. Margaret Jackson Says:


    Thinking of you every day and sending lots of love and thoughts for the speediest of recoveries. Thanks to everyone for all of the updates on here – It’s so nice to be able to check in on the incredible progress.

    Much love,


  161. Zana Lawrence Says:

    Sending good thoughts (and lots of sunshine!!) from LA. My friend’s dad was at Craig for 6 weeks this fall. Amazing place. You are all in my family’s thoughts and prayers. Take care and be well!

  162. Jackie Rich Says:

    Mike, Betsy, Will, and Tim-Please know that we have thought of you all often during this week. Some of the most challenging times like these we actually surprise ourselves and realize that with determination, courage, and lots of love and positive thoughts, we manage to get through some of life’s toughest challenges…there is no doubt with the strength of your family that Tim will have the support needed for a strong recovery.. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    -Jim, Jackie, Sarah, Jenny and Jake

  163. Janet and Scott Houser Says:

    Betsy, Mike, Tim and WIll- We were stunned to hear this news this morning and you have all been on our minds all day. You are a very strong family and we have no doubt that Tim, with your support and that of all of your friends, will pull through this. The support you are receiving from everywhere is so strong, constant and positive. Draw from it and let it carry you . We also send you each of you positive thoughts and energy. You will all be in our thoughts for the days to come. Go Mules.

  164. Bob and Gene Gardner Says:

    Tim –
    The first news of your injury was absolutely devastating, as it always is with family qnd loved ones. But what has given us such great hope and confidence in your recovery has been the experience of your cousin, Hilary. She endured several surgeries (one for 13 hours!) and came back to be a champion rower in college!
    The incredible outpouring of love qnd concern from your legion of friends must be qn inspirqtion to you. Being qble to keep up with your progress via the internet is awesome and we are so grateful to your dear pals who mqde it possible
    Hang in there, Tim, and just know thqt you qre constantly in our thoughts and prayers. We love the Brown family!
    Gene and Bob

  165. surfjim Says:

    Hang in there Tim…the Cape Ann Surfah’s are saving some waves for you and your Dad. Lots of positive energy heading your way, so keep fighting.

  166. Sandra and Jeff Carty Says:

    When we first met Tim at Colby, we were so impressed by his intelligence and easy conversation that we became fans for life! Since then, our admiration has only grown as we have heard through our son Peter about Tim’s strength, adventurous spirit and heart. All our thoughts and prayers are with Tim and his family now on his road to recovery.
    Sandra and Jeff Carty

  167. Otto Tschudi Says:

    We just got the news of this tragic acidEnt. Toril Forland is a good friend and ex team mate from the Norwegian ski Team. Our daughter, Solveig, who lives close to Craig and who is in the Real estate business in Denver is looking for a rental for Tim’s parents. My wife Yvonne went through a simular ordeal 7 years ago when she had a bad skiaccident in Norway and was in a coma for 5 week. We had one of our DU ski Team members with a simular spine injury who got treated at swedish and Craigs, he is now back in Norway fully functioning, Good bless you Tim You will be in our prayersn Solveig Yvonne and Otto Tschudi

  168. Betsy Hunt Says:

    Betsy and family-Caroline just called to tell us about Tim’s accident. I had no idea that they are good friends and both live in Aspen. I hope that he continues to have a good recovery. I send lots of love and good wishes. You are in our thoughts and prayers. xxoo Betsy Hunt

  169. Leslee Shlopak Says:

    Jake and I are in Samibel sending good thoughts and our prayers your way, Tim. You are strong, resilient and a born winner. We are there supporting you every step of the way.
    Love and positive thoughts come with this message,
    Leslee and Jake

  170. Randy Wood Says:


    Thinking of you everyday. Wishing you all the best in your recovery.


  171. Genna Collins Says:

    Met some of your Colby friends at Eric’s last night and so happy to hear that you have so many great friends and family to keep you company. I wish you a very speedy recovery so we can have more mid winter pool parties with floating chairs and random Snowmass chairlift sightings. Jake and I send all the best to you and your family!

  172. The Browne Family Says:

    Dear Tim,
    So many people thinking of you and praying for your continued recovery! May you grow stronger each day with the help of so much healing energy being sent westward!! Love having this blog to stay updated on your progress. You can do this.

    Love to all the Brown family from the Browne family, Tim(#2), Catherine, Emily, Kelsey and Piper

  173. The Geers Says:

    Mike, Betsy, Willis and especially Tim,
    We add our voices to this wonderful community pulling for your comfort and recovery. We know that Brown family drive and determination will serve you well in this process. We are thinking of you, all of you, and send our thoughts and prayers for your recovery.

    Bart, Sue, Elizabeth and John

  174. Trisha Castraberti Says:

    Dear Betsy
    I feel your pain. It was almost two years ago when our son Andrew had a life threatening incident out in Denver. Believe me, the doctors out there are incredible and by the grace of god, our son was saved. My heart goes out to you and I pray constantly that you will have a great outcome. Prayers do work.
    Sending our love & positive energy to you all.
    Trish & the Castraberti Family

  175. Joe Nogelo Says:

    Tim and family,

    Another Cape Ann surfah, friend of Mike’s, checking in to wish you well. From all the comments it sounds like Tim has a perfect attitude that will serve him well in recovering. No surprise considering his roots. Hang in there and keep battling, knowing there are so many of us pulling for your full recovery.

  176. Steve and Sue Says:

    We are thinking of you all the time. You are the best, you have always been the best, and you will be the best. All our love.

    Philly Browns

  177. The Banes Says:

    Tim, Betsy, Mike, and Will,

    Tim, know you are in our constant thoughts and prayers.
    May your determination and positive spirit help lead you threw your recovery.
    Let all the love and support from sooo many give you added strength you need as you continue to grow stronger!

    God Bless You!
    Joe, Cindy, Ali and Chris

  178. Marti and Fritz Walther Says:

    Dear Tim and family,
    Our son Adrian told us, while we were away, of Tim’s accident. We have just returned home and wanted you to know that you are constantly in our thoughts. Tim has been a special friend to Adrian, which we are so appreciative of. From Adrian’s accounts we know that Tim has a very special love of life, and feel that is one big plus for him in his fight for recovery.
    With loving thoughts, Marti and Fritz Walther

  179. Dario Del Piccolo Says:

    Tim and family

    It’s Dario from the Lizard Lodge. I just want you and your family to know that my family and I are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

    Dario and family

  180. mike moonves and baba Says:

    Brown family, Mooner and I are thinking of you everyday and know the spirit that you all have will be a great help. Let us know if we can do anything! baba and Moon xxxxx

  181. Bob Jenney Says:

    Mike, Tim and family,

    Very sorry to hear of Tim’s accident. It could happen to the best of us.

    My thoughts are with Tim for a speedy recovery.

  182. Eric Freeman Says:

    Tim, Betsy, Mike, and Willis,

    We are all wishing a speedy recovery and strong support for the entire family. Hang in there and keep up the excellent progress!

    Much love from the entire Freeman Family.

    Henrik, wonderful reporting, thanks for keeping us all informed and setting this up.

  183. Page Phelps Pelliconi - Purnell '73 Says:

    Dear Betsy & family,
    Our sincerest wishes from Alexandria, VA for continued recovery for Tim. May your wonderful friends continue to support you to get you through these long days and help keep you strong. Sending lots of love and a big hug to you all.

  184. Todd and Karen Clark Says:

    We are sending our many prayers and positive thoughts your way.

  185. Rebecca Booma Says:

    Hello Betsy and family- Sending you positive thoughts and love during this challenging time. Tim’s road to recovery will be filled with many prayers and constant support from all of your friends back in Manchester.
    A big hug to you, Betsy. xo

  186. Kip Abbott Says:

    All of the Browns are in our thoughts and prayers at this time.
    Kip and Jack Abbott

  187. Kip Abbott Says:

    We are praying for all of the Browns.
    Kip and Jack

  188. Jason Forino Says:


    Hang in there buddy keep on fighting and were all thinking about you in Boston.



  189. Laurel Rossi Says:

    Our prayers are with the Brown family. Tim sounds like he is incredibly strong and we are rooting for a swift recovery. Good positive energy from the east coast from our family to yours.

    Laurel, Joseph and Mia

  190. Jeb Burns Says:

    Mike, Betsy, Will and Tim,

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you……Tim, I know from my days of coaching you on the rink that you have the strength and the courage to do everything neccesary to guide yourself through a full recovery…..hang in there….you are a fighter and you will get through this. Saying a prayer for you and you family every day! Jeb, Leslie, Beau, and Libby.

  191. Kay O'Rourke Says:

    Dear Tim,
    The Wellspring family has you in our circle of light and love and we are sending healing your way and lots of virtual hugs. Lots of love to you and Will and Betsy and Mike.


  192. The Glew Crew Says:

    Dear Tim:

    We add our voices to the chorus of well-wishers – of which you have so, so many – a clear signal that you are one very special young man for whom so much support will only speed you along in your recovery.

    Jeff, Janet, Todd, Ryan Glew
    Beverly, MA.

  193. Lindsey Franklin Says:


    Just heard about your accident and am sending healing thoughts and prayers your way. It sounds like you are being extraordinarily strong and have a wonderful support crew around you, so I have complete faith in your recovery. Keep it up– we are all behind you.


  194. Betsy Rich Says:

    To the Brown family..
    Just a note to say my thoughts and prayers are with you. I can’t imagine there is more Tim could have right now than his family, friends and Craig.
    I am Mike Whalley’s mom, he has kept me updated and although I don’t know you, I must say Tim has been in my thoughts!
    I wish all of you the very best.

  195. Johnathan Lawhorne Says:

    You are such a wonderful and positive individual. I know you will bounce back from this even stronger. Sending you and your family much love and support from New York.

  196. Fanny de Lacvivier Says:

    Dear Betsy, Mike, Will & especially Tim,

    The de Lacvivier family sends all our love and prayers to you all. It sounds like you are surrounded by your loved ones and have a superb team of doctors – and adoring nurses! Know that we are all routing for you on the North Shore and wish you the speediest of recoveries!

    A big hug to you and your family,

    Fanny, Hubert and Claire

  197. Patsy Popejoy Says:

    All of us at Snowmass Tourism are thinking of you and praying for your recovery.

  198. Barb Liston and Friends @ Brookwood Says:


    You just wouldn’t believe how many friends you have at your old Alma Mater (Junior Alma Mater?) We are pulling for you, rooting for you, and sending you infinite love and strength; we think of you everyday and know you to be a person with the courage and stamina to fight the good fight. We send a cyber cheering section and multiple bear hugs for all members of the wonderful Brown family. All your old pals at Brookwood send great love and good wishes. Hang in there, Tim.

  199. shawn taylor Says:

    tim- it was great getting to know you at the snowmass club. im so terribly sorry to hear what happened. my fingers are crossed for a fast/full recovery. cant wait to see ya back on the slopes buddy!
    take care

  200. Kate Says:

    Sending you good thoughts from Bretton Woods Ski Patrol in NH.

  201. Beverly Nameche Says:

    Tim and family, I have heard of your accident through a physical therapist in Manchester. I also have a spinal injury and have been disabled for the past 42 years. My injury is at C6. I have been able to raise my three children, now adults, and have been employed over the years. Obviously I am also familiar with the disabled community and wish to offer you any assistance you may need upon your return home. I have a very accessible home in Essex and you are more than welcome to visit. It would be helpful to have a family member visit prior to your return to MA as we would have suggestions for adapting your living environment. These injuries are overwhelming but it is not impossible to live a full and enjoyable llife.
    My telephone number: 978 768 6228
    11 School Street, Essex, MA

    My best to you at this most difficult time, Craig is the right place to be!!!

    Beverly Nameche

    There is another disabled woman living in Essex who has been disabled for a couple of years from a horse accident. She has now returned to her previous employment as a principal of a Gloucester school.

  202. marcie hunsaker Says:

    To Tim and your family we are sending our best thoughts and wishes. It is a
    difficult time but i can tell from your blog that you are strong and an amazing fighter. The Hunsakers, Jerome, Marcie, Alice, and Julia send their love.

  203. Tom & Linda Carney Says:

    Dear Brown Family,

    You all remain in our prayers and especially Tim for his continued strength and tenacity in working through his recovery. Our love and thoughts are with you every day and we are here for any help you may need back this way.


    Tom and Linda Carney

  204. peter hoffman Says:

    Dear Tim,
    our thoughts and prayers are with you everyday. Remember Tim, you are a champion, an outstanding young man who is going places. we look forward to seeing you this summer. Send our love to your Mom and Dad.

    Lindsey, Peter, Holly and Gracie

  205. After having started yoga and yoga diet one feel the excellence with other fitness options! Says:

    After having started yoga and yoga diet one feel the excellence with other fitness options!…

    […]Getting Started « Tim Brown's Recovery Blog[…]…

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    Getting Started | Tim Brown

  207. randy Says:


    Getting Started | Tim Brown's Recovery Blog

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